Thursday, June 18, 2009

How Would "One" Feel?

How would "One" Feel?
When "one" bend down to wipe the shit off "two's" bum, because "two" has hands too short.
No 'thank you' said is fine for "one".
but slapped "one's" face with that shit and 'what a busybody you are' is just not right.


The landlord gathered some seeds and said to the farmer: "Make them into 'money' trees"
Farmer did as told
He sowed the seeds
He watered the seedlings
He killed the pests
He fell in love with the plants which grew into big apple trees
Bearing juicy fruits, good enough to be sold in the market
Money came rolling in
the landlord enjoyed the rewards.
Over time,
the landlord picked other seeds
"These will bring fruits that are bigger and more valuable, but I don't have enough land, so uproot all those apple trees and plant these new seeds."
How would the Farmer feel?
"Yes, he is the landlord, I should obey."
"No, they are my 'blood and sweat', I will NOT give them up."
What should the Farmer do?


The house has only one window
this window is the only connection between her and the world outside
she was told not to escape to that fascinating heaven
so the window was kept small
enough to breathe
enough to take a peek at the rainbow
enough to see cars zoom by and hear laughter of residents there
Though small,
she loved every moment spent standing there, watching life outside that window.
Her tears have left stains on the frame
Her finger-prints too
And so has her untouchable attachment to that squarish hole.
the owner of the house has changed his mind
'bang-bang', 'hammer-hammer', 'knock-knock'
the owner had put planks all over
sealing the window completely
How would she feel?
"Yes, the owner has the right, she should obey."
"No, its her window, she should break the planks and cause damage to the frame, leaving signs of rebellion around it."
What should she do?


The owner came home with a small ball for his puppy
the very first toy
the most treasured one even though more toys came along the way
Puppy has grown to a big dog
The owner dumped the small ball into the bin
Puppy scrambled its way into the bin to retrieve its love
The owner said "Its dirty and scratched. Look, I've a bigger one for you here. Take it."
Puppy held the small ball between its jaws tightly, refused to accept the proposal
ran back into his kennel
wrapped its body around the round thing that has slept through so many nights with him
through shine and rain
the ball has never left him
How would the Dog feel?
What should the dog do?


A couple was hoping for a baby
For years they couldn't have their own
they adopted one
the baby brought laughter, joy, hope for the man and wife
the baby brought meaning to their life
one miraculous day
the sperm finally met the egg
she was pregnant
the man said "we can't afford to have two, we have to give up the first"
the wife said "no. the baby is part of me, part of us. The baby has become my life. Letting go is cutting flesh off my body."
the man said "then we will die together."
How would the mother feel?
What should the mother do?


Blessed mum said...

in life, we sometimes just have to accept certain facts and make painful decision.

the 1st scenario is terrible! and i'm glad i dun have to face such decision as the last.

Woman in a Window said...

Such interesting questions. I'm started my day here and I think I better get another cup of coffee before I come to any conclusions.

As to the last though, the two babies should live. Who could choose just one?