Monday, November 29, 2010

Misconstrue - a dangerous word

I have never heard of this word till few months ago...
Just in case you were like me, who did not know the meaning of 'Misconstrue' back then, it means
'To mistake the meaning of; misinterpret.'

To me, this is a Dangerous word.
Because of this word, one can land himself/herself in danger.
Because of this word, one can jump into something that he/she had never intended to.
Because of this word, friendship fails.
Because of this word, business partners fall apart.
Because of this word, legal letters were sent.
Because of this word, marriages end up with divorce.
Because of this word, siblings fight.
Because of this word, plans to sabotage were drafted.
Because of this word, revengeful ideas run wild.

Never never fall into this dangerous trap.

ALWAYS repeat what you hear.
ALWAYS clarify.
ALWAYS double confirm.
ALWAYS put it in writing, for business related issues.
ALWAYS check out the facts.
ALWAYS look at the full picture, not just a piece of the puzzle.
ALWAYS see things from the other's point of view.

I have seen so many fell into this trap and are still falling....
just like someone whom I 'counselled' today...
its heartbreaking to know how this dangerous word 'Misconstrue' can land someone in deep shit.

~ a gentle reminder to myself and all....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I usually dont take time to ever make comments on a web site but I have to say I would truly be doing you a grave disservice if I didnt write something. This post has most definitely opened my eyes. Thank you so much for writing it.