Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Worst Mistake

The Worst Mistake that anyone could make is to Jump to Conclusion without knowing the Real Facts.

I guess that's just life isn't it?
Friends and Family members do misunderstood us sometimes.

Yet I believe in something.
If a lie was told, it will be revealed sooner or later.

I used to jump to conclusions and I paid a high price for it. Even after I had apologized, the crack in the relationship remained. Its a STUPID thing to do. And I had 'Trained' myself to STOP doing that.

I ask when I am in doubt.
I seek answers till I am satisfied.
That's me.

To be maligned is a horrible feeling. The worst part is I wasn't even given a chance to speak and I was condemned.

What keeps me alive and going is a Clear Conscience!
I do NOT need to answer to anyone!
I am NOT obligated to answer anyway! Because in the first place I was NOT even given a chance to explain myself!

Now, how unfair is that!?

Do a judge put a man to be hanged without allowing him to fight for himself? NO!
So why are people so cruel to people?!



Ann said...

I know what you mean.

Hope peace comes out from the situation soon. I hate being in the limbo of emotions.

Woman in a Window said...

Jumping to conclusions is too closely related to judgement for me. I am learning just how detrimental it is to judge, and just how easily it is done, and just how destructive it is. And too, that I have done it in my past and I will make a conscious choice in my future to not do it.

There. I feel better now.

I'm pulling out of blogging Angeline, but I'll not disappear completely. I'll make sure to check in with you and we always have email. I just feel my life has grown beyond my blog, you know? So for now, much much love and well wishes and I will be sure to keep in touch.


Suhanya said...

hey i truly agree with u... I was in the other way round situation..someone has jumped into a conclusion on me for which i never did.. n then it has gone worse.. n i he taken it. i take the statement of u " i have to be clear conscience " and I am...

HUgs HUgs :)