Evening Gown for Wedding Dinner
Oh yes!Finally the search is over!
Never thought it would be THIS tough, just to get a nice dress, a presentable evening gown for my sister's wedding.
Now that my parents are no longer with us. We are each other's only kin. It Almost feels like my daughter is getting married. *laugh*
First I went through Daniel Yam's collection and those which caught my eyes were way off my budget. Well, you can say I am stingy. Yet, to spend nearly $200 for a dress which I am pretty sure I would only wear ONCE, is definitely off my scale of sensible shopping habits.
Then I went to Far East Plaza and combed every single shop. Found a purple shimmering evening gown that was SIMPLY PERFECT!
Perfect fitting other than the length is too long. Oh no, let me correct myself, because I was too short, so alteration is required and the seamstress cum boss of the shop insists that I pay extra $50 for the alteration of the length, on top of the so-called discounted price of $180.
Evening Gown for Wedding Dinner
Of 'cos, I walked out of the shop without hesitation.
Throughout the whole time, I have been going online to search for my 'Perfect Evening Gown', but no where near...
If you are thinking that my expectations are too high, why don't you judge for yourself?
I want an evening gown that is:-
- Not too loud, NO crystals, NO sequins, NO lace, NO embroidery of any sort. Just fabric, fabric and fabric alone.
- I need it to be long because I would be 'running around' entertaining guests and doing all sorts of errands, so the last thing I want to worry about is whether I have bent too low in risk of revealing my undies. I just want to be comfortable running around with it.
- Does not cost more than $150
Its that too much to ask for?
Well, I thought it was not, but I was wrong, it seemed that its TOO SIMPLE to be found. *faint*
Then I went Dress Sense. A place where you can rent, buy or rent first and buy later if you like the dress so much, that you want to keep it. To my shock! EVERY single piece of long dress has glitters sewn on them! No way will I wear them! Too loud!
Evening Gown for Wedding Dinner
Just when I have given up hope as I walked out of Dress Sense, I turned my head slightly and saw OCCASION!
A smaller shop with a totally contrasting soft coloured shop layout as compared to the dark coloured Dress Sense shop outlook.
Loved the service,
love the dress selections,
love the price because they ONLY had discounts for Mastercard holders and I have nothing except ONE Mastercard! *laugh*
And as if my lucky day was not lucky enough, I found a matching pair of shoes, which was the LAST PAIR available and it was MY SIZE!!!
The heels were just high enough to lift the dress off the floor slightly so that I would not tripped over when I walk. Hooray!
To make my day even better, the price of the shoe was slashed from $98 to $38!!!So in a single shop, I settled my Evening Gown and my matching Shoes as well!!! *Super clap clap clap*
or should I say Jump for Joy! Jump for Joy!
Alright, after blubbering so much, here's THE Evening Gown I bought for my sister's wedding:

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