Thursday, March 11, 2010

Jack Neo Sex Scandal - Interview [Video]

Every human err.
The thing is, like Jack had said, he is truly blessed with a wife like Irene.
Not many can take it and accept it.

Watch this video.... I almost teared...

To know the whole story, click here.


Blessed mum said...

i pity her and comprehen what she is going through now. She has to stay on for her little ones..

But that St**id man should be shot!!!! never believe a single words he said! he is an actor..going up there and pretend to be sorry is just like acting in any movie! Just like Tiger!

He better treasure his wife and repent! He is lucky to have her!

imbeingheldhostage said...

I feel so bad for these wives, but really angry at the press and the media. When did everyone's sins become theirs to televise? A marriage that has it's dirty laundry aired in front of millions has very little chance of surviving. :-(

Mommy Lose Weight said...

indeed not many women can be as forgiving as her...