Saturday, May 2, 2009

"I Remember Her"

Allan was in office, met a colleague, RJ, who attended the National Achievers Congress with us last year. RJ was talking to a newbie to the company. When RJ saw Allan walking towards them, he shoke Allan's hands with both of his and asked, "How is your wife? I remember her."

RJ turned towards the newbie and said: "This man has a very good wife."

Allan replied: "No. She is not a very good wife. She is a fantastic wife."

I thanked the heavens that I wasn't there to witness this, or else I wouldn't know if I could dig a hole fast enough with my skinny fingers to hide my head in!

My dad often say, "Self-praise is No-praise."

When Allan related the story to me, I slapped him hard on his arm and semi-yelled, "How could you say that!!!??? So embarassing."

I'm not someone who take praises very well. Rather, I don't really know how to handle praises. Even though my mentor say I must be a good receiver and taught me to reply with the simplest 2 words "Thank You". But sentences like "No. I'm not that good.", "No. Please don't say that. You are better.", come out from my mouth quicker that you can wink your eye.

These are my natural reflexes. My natural shield. Shield from getting a blush. Shield from being 'frozen' and looking awkward at the same time with a twisted smile.

Sometimes, my sacarstic or cynic self would take over, to help me hide myself in my imaginary hole. In this case it did. See my problem? I wasn't even there to receive the praise from RJ, yet I'm still trying to ward off nice words from hitting me.

I said, "Of cos' he remembered me. I gave him a free book! Whenever you receive something for free, it would be hard not to remember the giver, ya?" *eyes rolled*

I hope RJ will never get to read this.

If this post ever meet his eyes, I wanna say, "RJ, Thank you for your compliments, and errrr.... I really don't deserved it. You are too kind."


Something About Us said...

I need to correct Allan. *putting on a stern face*

You are NOT only a fantastic wife, but a fantastic mummy and a VERY WONDERFUL FRIEND ! :)

Woman in a Window said...

Funny that it's difficult to receive praise and it's hard to receive criticism. Odd, isn't it? You deserve the praise.

Alison said...

Practice saying just two words when someone compliments you: "Thank you." It's hard, I know!

Ann said...

I think you should listen to your mentor and say "Thank You". We deserve praise and must also be open to criticism....then we can improve.... :)

Angeline, I think you are a great person! :)

Angeline said...

Ok, so here's my very first practise
"Thank You, Ann"