Someone or rather, the ONLY ONE who failed in the home economics cookery class, when tested on Baking skills, actually succeeded in baking her very own cheesecake in First Attempt after so many years!
I have not touched any baking oven since that failure when I was 14 years old.
It was horrendous!
My swissroll turn out like a blob of shit with 'blood stains' (strawberry jam) on it! *head buried underground*
There was no way I could roll it up at all after seeing the state of it when I opened the oven door.
19 years later...
This same girl with that same pair of hands has decided to break free from that 'baking' phobia for her hubby.
Allan loves to eat cheesecake.
But tip top delicious cheesecakes usually comes with a price.
"Why not try baking cheesecake, so we (he meant 'I', I think. *laugh*) could have cheap and yummy cheesecake anytime!"
All fidgety and excited at the same time, I flipped through cookbooks, watched YouTube videos on easy cheesecake baking and lots of cookery shows last week.
Finally, found this easy cheesecake recipe:
But being in a different country from the chief in the video, it was not easy to get the exact same ingredients. So I changed the base to chocolate biscuits (similar to Oreo, but removing the cream).
Furthermore, I slashed the quantity of the easy cheesecake ingredients by half.
Its my first attempt afterall.
Though excited, confidence is still missing.
So if a disaster strikes, at least I would not be throwing too much money, effort and ingredients into the bin.
I decided to separate the mixture into two.
One, round shaped with the strawberry on top of the easy cheesecake.
The other, rectangular with the swirl inside the cheesecake, instead of just on the top.
Yes, the look is very different, in fact, the brand of cream cheese used was different too.
Even though lots of changes were made, my ONLY concern was, it is EDIBLE???!!!
After spending the night in the refrigerator, it went into the mouth of my
Allan: "Very Very Nice! I prefer the swirl (rectangular) than having the strawberry on top (round), 'cos it creates a little excitement in the taste buds, some parts with strawberry and some without. I REALLY LIKE IT. But I prefer the base to be a thin sponge cake." And he continues to eat it for the next few days.

My 7 year old boy: "Mmmm... nice!" And that was his only piece since then.
*eyes rolled*
My 6 year old boy: "I like everything! The cheese is nice, the biscuit is nice, but the best is still the sprinkles!" *faint*
My sis: "I prefer the round cheesecake with the strawberry jam on top. It is firmer. The other looks like a crime scene!"
*Huge Laugh*
Will I bake it again?!
But this time chocolate sponge cake would be used as the base.
Errrrrmmmm.... that is IF I succeed in baking a chocolate sponge cake first.
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