Monday, July 30, 2012

Saltimbanco by Cirque Du Soleil Singapore

When Cirque Du Soleil came to Singapore many years ago, I could hardly feed my family and I vowed to myself that I must get out of my dreadful financial situation and be able to go for their next tour.
I love circus, acrobatic acts, animals doing stunts, etc
I love all of that....

Though Cirque Du Soleil is far more beautifully crafted and definitely does not have any 'animal smells' *giggle*, my desire to see acrobatic acts will definitely be satisfied to the fullest. *thumbs up*

Many years later, my wait is over. They came back to Singapore with another act called Saltimbanco by Cirque Du Soleli and I can finally afford to bring my family to watch it. Nope, I did not pay for the highest price tickets. Financially, I am not there yet; to spend that much on an entertainment that does not exceed 2 hours. However it is a great booster for me to do even better for my family's financial well-being.

To make it more fun, my sister and my brother-in-law are coming along too! I did not expect them to say yes at first. I didn't think they would be interested in this in the first place. *Ooops!*
I believe one day, I would be able to give them a treat to such event too. So for this round, they paid for their own tickets.
To me, such an event is a great place to experience it with my closest ties, so I was overwhelmed when my sister and brother-in-law are willing to come along. *smile*

It was stated in the SISTIC tickets that "Photography, video and audio recording is not allowed for this event." Thank goodness some of the more famous acts are posted all over YouTube, so if I ever feel like watching it again after the show, to relive those moments, I can.

Here's a sneak peak of what to expect at the show:

Watching it on the screen and EXPERIENCING it there and then, is a TOTALLY different thing!
I am all excited!
I think I am the ONLY one who is counting down to next Friday, just like a kid counting down to school holidays. *laugh*

Saltimbanco by Cirque Du Soleil Singapore, we are coming!

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