Thursday, April 30, 2009

American Idol Top 5 Results

I am as shocked as everyone else, when the bottom 3 was revealed.

Allison and Danny were in the safe zone.
Leaving Adam Lambert, Kris Allen and Matt Giraud as bottom 3.

And bottom two?
Adam Lambert and Matt Giraud.

Adam who has never been in the danger zone before was so close to leaving the competition. What happened? Have the fans lost their interest in his theatrical style or did they take for granted; thinking that "not calling a day will not make that much a difference"?

Anyhow, Matt, who was onced saved by the judges could not saved himself through last night's performance.
Bye Matt.


Angela said...

im shocked too. adam is in the bottom 2!!!

Woman in a Window said...

Thank goodness, but either way Adam has it made.