Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Both my hands are UP in the Air!!!

Finally!!!! *eyes rolled*

"Singaporeans who borrow from loansharks have been put on notice and the Home Affairs Ministry (MHA) is considering making such acts an offence in the country." - taken from this article "Borrowing from loansharks may become an offence".

It took them so long to finally discuss about this. The big word is still 'MAY'. It just might not happen afterall....

Pointers in the article:-

The unlicensed moneylending harassment cases have almost doubled from 2,066 to 3,993.

To counter this rise, the police have installed more CCTVs at harassment—prone sites like lift landings in housing estates.

"From the arrests made, we know that many borrowers eventually join the loanshark criminal organisation as runners to carry out harassment and vandalism....

This is so true. Its a form of repayment of their debts too. But only males were given the opportunity, for obvious reasons.

Community leaders welcomed the move as neighbours of those who borrow from loansharks end up being harassed as well.

The town councils have also been doing a lot of goodwill painting and repair work to all the common property damaged by the loansharks and their assistants. So we need to come out with a holistic approach to resolve this problem....

With the opening of Singapore's very first Casino, end this year, all sorts of measures have been taken to 'educate' the citizens about 'controlled' gambling. *sigh* Its pretty sad and contradicting isn't it? To me it is.....


Something About Us said...

IR is another form of creating jobs .. it has its good and bad points.

Woman in a Window said...

Society always seems so busy with one hand giving and the other taking. We need to set our priorities and then proceed.