Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 in a nutshell

I would say 2008 has been a roller coaster ride for me. The high moments are really high and the lows, hell damn low!

My recollection is not in Chronological order. I'm typing as my mind does its 're-winding'... yes, I may have forgotten some events without any black and white to fall back on. Or maybe I could just check through the blog posts I made in my other blog for the entire year. But I guess if the event doesn't stick in my head, it simply means its not THAT SIGNIFICANT after all. Don't you agree?

- My aunt passed away. An aunt who has a heart too big for the ocean to consume. An aunt whom I'm always grateful to. Always respected. She suffered for years before her body gave in earlier part of this year.

- I had several dead knots in my heart. Over the years, I've learnt to let go of many things. Forgive many people. Forget many bad incidents. But still there are some knots that could not be undone without much effort from both parties.

This year, I'm really lucky. I untied 2 (used to be) dead knots. The untying process was not easy. It was painful, sad, angry...along the way... but still, its undone after so long. One stayed in my heart for 8 years. The other 11years. They are stories in itself, I wouldn't want to go into details here. At least not now. Not today.

- Parenting is definitely the most challenging and rewarding task in the world. Yet this year, I was put to the test. The test took me 7 long months to pass. It was emotionally and physically exhaustive. When I was in it, it felt as if there wasn't an end to the tunnel, I 'collapsed' so many times. *sigh* it was tough. It Was! But its OVER now....

- For the very first time in my life, I felt honored. It was an opportunity that not everyone has, yet I was the lucky one. I'm talking about being chosen to be a panelist in the Working Mother's Forum. Public speaking is one item on my list of 'most feared'. I'm just glad I didn't fall on stage. To be able to speak infront of hundreds of parents... not easy, not easy....

- For the first time in my life. I'm earning passive income. Money rolling in while I'm sleeping. That's the greatest feeling I've ever had. It's amazing! Though not much, probably just good enough to buy me a box of dark mint chocolate every month, I'm still happy.

- Other 'first-times' include : - first time selling things on ebay. First time clearing my accessories through a forum. First time working as an invigilator. First time going for Lasik evaluation. First time on the World Biggest Ferris Wheel ~ The Singapore Flyer. And for the first time in my life, I truly know how blessed I am...even the unhappiness in the past, were but blessings in disguise... for the first time.......I truly recognized it....

So I guess, 2008 is a good year after all... *smile*

Happy New Year Everyone! May 2009 brings you and your family Great Health, Harmony and Prosperity! *smile*


Something About Us said...

Cheers to a GOOD YEAR 2009 ! :)

Smalltown RN said...

What a wonderful post.....reflecting on the past year...recognizing that some bad things happened but as a result some good things came from those experienced more than you thought...and at the end of the day you had a year of growing...good for you for recognizing's not New Years here yet...stil another 8 hours away....but Happy New Years to you....

Blessed mum said...

you going for lasik??!! wow! Brave! I still haven't gooten enough courage to do that!

Anonymous said...

WOW sounds like really exciting 2008! so many first!

Here's wishing u more FIRSTs in the brand new year!

Moomykin said...

Sounds like a pretty good year, especially the passive income bit and the untying some knots. Both are good for the soul.

LZmommy said...

May you have a wonderful year ahead! :)

Woman in a Window said...

Exactly. Blessings come in many forms.