Thursday, October 15, 2009

Quiz - 1

Ok, some people may hate this, some may love it.
I belong to the second group.
I love quizzes!!!!
IQ, EQ and Whatever Q you have.... I just love to get my brain teased.

So every now and then, I may be popping out a question or two but no answers will be revealed till.... *wicked snicker*

here goes the first of my favourite quizzes:

3 boxes of candies, all with same wrappings, same color.
Each box is labeled: Sweet, Sour, Mixed.
But All were labeled wrongly.
You are only allowed to take MAXIMUM 3 candies out to taste.
(NOT 3 candies per box, ok? If so, what kind of challenge is that? *faint*)
So how do you identify which box holds which type of candy ?


晓丽 Siaw Lee said...

Test 1 candy from the "mixed" box will do?

Box with "Sweet" NOT= sweet
Box with "Sour" NOT= sour
Box with "Mixed" NOT= mixed

Test method 1)
Taste 1 from box with "Mixed", if it's sweet, then
- Box with "Sour" = mixed ("Sour" is wrong label, "sweet" is in mixed box, so only posibility is "mixed")
- Box with "Sweet" = sour

Test method 2)
Taste 1 from box with "Mixed", if it's sour, then
- Box with "Sweet" = mixed ("Sweet" is wrong label, "sour" is in mixed box, so only posibility is "mixed")
- Box with "Sour" = sweet

Hahaha just trying my luck :P

Angeline said...

Clever Girl!