A new month
A new beginning
A 'new' ring?

(I realised I've not taken a photo of my wedding ring before. THIS photo was taken during my 3rd day of my first hospitalisation in July. The ONLY photo which has my Wedding Ring in it)
I just got a hunch that if he really bought a replacement, my Wedding Ring might just appear before my eyes. *faint*
I wouldn't want another replacement because the new one would be a reminder of the 'actual loss'.
The feeling is different.
The significance is different.
I don't want.
So now I'm wearing the ring which Allan proposed to me.
Yes, I have 2 different rings.
It was my request.
I wanted the 'proposal ring' to be different from the 'wedding ring'.
Though my ring-finger is empty, my heart can still see it there....
A new month
A new beginning
and yes...
A 'new' ring....
iRing is just a symbol..its the heart that is important. My hb and I don't wear ring on our fingers..but we know we always have each other in our mind.
angeline ty for asking if who will handel the donation. it will be under my account. I will post the donations that will come in my account here. when i have gathered enough funds, i will buy stuff and every penny i will account it here. i was actually limiting it to just one dollar per blogger, but if its a bigger amount why not?as of now, no donation have entered my account, yet.
I wear both of mine all the time--the wedding ring is a thin gold band and the engagement ring is the same type of band with a diamond on it. I understand not wanting a replacement ring.
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