Friday, July 24, 2009

New Findings for my Pain

Yes! I am happy.
My Chinese physician uncle told me something which NONE of the doctors in SGH suspected.

It is BAD news, in terms of the seriousness of my condition.

Can I give you a little background of my uncle?
This uncle of mine, whom I stayed with since I was born, till my parents brought me home for good when I was 5 years old, has 40+ years of experience in his line.

I grew up seeing his tiny little one-bedroom house filled with patients waiting to see him every evening; these patients couldn't get to see him at the Chinese medical shop in the morning, due to work or school.

My Chinese name was chosen by him. He is very much like a father to me, since young.

My mother's 2nd relapse of cancer was cured by him too.

Ok, so what did my uncle say?
- There are signs that my liver is hardening.
- My gastric is too weak to 'help' the liver.
- My kidneys are not 'working' hard enough to improve the condition of my liver too.

Food to avoid:
- Spicy, Cold, Oily....

Forbidden Food:
- Peanuts, Squid/Octopus, 'Rojak' (a mixture of different vegetables or fruits plus beancurds, in a black slimy sauce)

- 2 packets of herbs.
- 4 bowls of water, boiled till 1 bowl of liquid is left, approximately 1 hour+
- One bowl per night before I sleep.
- Review on Sunday or Monday.
- Types of herbs will be changed according to my reactions to these 2 packets.
- By the end of the 6th packet, the conclusion should be clear.

Warnings from the 72 year old man:
"Please do not take this lightly. (I really hate to hear this sentence from him, 'cos the last time I heard him say this, my mother was diagnosed with cancer few weeks later).
Even if you feel much better after this 2 packets, , you MUST come back to complete the course of examination."

"If after the 6th packet, your pain have not subsided, my guess might be proven right. > Something is growing inside."

"The medication that I give you now, is to cure the pain and to 'purge' out any 'small thing' that might be causing the problem. So do not worry about the 'awful sight' of your soft stools."

"Such a condition is usually caused by STRESS. Now that your liver shows signs of hardening, pressure is added to your nerves in that area. So try to take life easy. Keep an open mind and open heart. View Big problems as small and small problems as invisible. Don't worry unnecessarily. Rest more."

--- maybe that explains why my hair has been dropping so much over the past 3 months.

--- then again, when simple things like THIS BLOG gives me problem too; How can I take things easy!?
All I have now is a tiny little box, smaller than my palm, to type into. The functions bar is completely gone. I cannot even change the colours or bold my words. Worse, I can't even add the picture of my herbs now.
All I have is plain black boring words...


Mom Knows Everything said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you my friend and if you ever want any help fixing your blog let me know. I would be more then happy to help you. Big hugs!!!

Moomykin said...

Be brave and take the Chinese herbs, ok? I always dread the thick black medicine.

Hope you are getting better.

Alison said...

I hope his medicine works for you!

MommyAngel said...

oh ... at least you know 'what's wrong' now, it's so 'sien' everything ppl got sick but the doctor can't seems to find anything wrong with it. I have known someone who takes 3 years to finally met a doctor who is experience enough to treat his illness and I am glad that you found your 'good doctor' too :) Hopefully the 2 packet of medicine will help :)

Something About Us said...

Indeed is a good news that at least you have what's wrong with you, but on the other hand, I am also worried for you my friend, on the sentence "Something is growing inside"

Hope at the next review with your uncle, he will see an improvement.

Please take great care! hugz!

Ann said...

Don't stress. Don't stress. Black words are also fine.

If have to go hospital again to continue medication? Hope you get to continue your Chineae herbal medication soon.

Sigh....waiting patiently for updates.