Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Healthy Tips 1 of 4

On the 4th day of Tony's Unleash the Power Within Seminar, I learned one of the most valuable lesson ever!!! Something that will benefit me for a LIFETIME!

For years, I have the thought that I will be dying young. My dad's family have heart diseases, my dad had so many heart and nose operations, I have lost count; and yes, he died of heart attack at the age of 54. My mom had cancer, relapsed after 10 years, saved and had signs of relapse again and again. No, she did not die because of cancer.

Hence, from a sick-stricken family background, you can't blame me for having such weirdest thoughts that I might die of heart attack or cancer.

4th day was HEALTH DAY!!! And after this day, I know I will live long to see my grandchildren or even great grandchildren, unless I died because of car accident. *giggle*

Do you know being and STAYING HEALTHY IS SO EASY??!!!

Its not even chicken feet, its ant's feet!!!!

It was an 8 hours seminar on the last day, I am not going to write a documentary here, I'll just highlight the main points:-

In order for us to survive, we need our cells to be alive. Common Sense, yes? When our cells perish, we perish.

Did you know that our cells can live FOREVER!!!???? Proven by Dr. Alexis Carrel

So what do cells need in order to stay alive?
Oxygen and Water.

When there is lack of oxygen and water in our cells, they lose their bounce and they start to 'stick' together, instead of bouncing off from one another. When more are accumulated, the less active they become and that's when 'problem' starts to arise.

Our Maker has given us a magnificent body. Our body is created in a way that it can self heal, so long as we LISTEN to it.

Since our body is so powerful, you may ask, then why do we fall sick? WE!!! are the cause of our own sickness. The Primary cause of illness is due to the accumulation of toxins in our bloodstream.

Toxins start to build up in our body through 3 ways:-
  1. We eat too much 'unhealthy food' so much so that the body cannot eliminate fast enough.
  2. Inhaling or eating or drinking too much substances that your body CANNOT use.
  3. Having too much acid in our diet.
Our body is actually shouting "Hey you! Stop poisoning your body..." when you encounter things like insomnia, diarrhea, phlegm, fever, headaches, vomit, running nose....etc etc etc....

Just like what Dr. Isaac Jennings, the founder of philosophy of natural hygiene said "Disease is due to a deficiency of force." In other words, disease is a sign that the BODY is trying to cure itself!

Whenever people are sick, they turn to medication straight away, because they find that having mucus dripping down from the nose is inconvenient. But what the body is trying to do is eliminating toxins through the mucus. So instead of listening to our body, we are too eager to STOP the inconvenience, which is actually the cure, by putting in more toxins (man-made medication). *faint*

I experienced what it was liked to be cured by my body itself ...which I will talk about tomorrow... and seriously, all you need is breathe, have lots of fresh water intake and rest. Nothing else. Staying healthy is THAT SIMPLE.


Something About Us said...

so you must change your bedtime, sleep early! :P

Blessed mum said...

hey girl, think almost 80% of pple now die of cancer la..so relax.

i don't head for the medicine cabinet each time i fall ill. I prefers to have my body fighting the battle first by drinking lots of water and resting well..go for medicine unless my body lost the battle :P