Its all about BALANCE. Its all about keeping it SIMPLE. Its all about providing what my body truly NEEDs, in order to stay healthy.
Living with such diets that is completely meatless seem totally way overboard to many. But what separates me from them is the word 'understanding'.
Because I understand how my body works and what my body really needs.
Because I understand what do I ultimately want to achieve with my body or health for that matter.
Staying healthy is not good enough for me. I want to be able to stay healthy and strong enough to see my great grand children! *wink*
After seeing the documentary video on how MEAT is processed during the Seminar, I have definitely turned my table over on the thought of putting meat into my mouth. I am not promoting anything here. I am just sharing my huge change in my life, my perception, my understanding of what food is really beneficial to my body and what poison it.
So now, I have greatly reduced my 'meat' intake. In fact, I limit it to seafood only. Over the past 11days, my only meat intake was on Sunday when I am at my MIL's place. Ate fish, 2 parts of a crab and 2 pieces of prawn. Enough toxic. *laugh* I left the chicken and the pork alone completely. I don't feel guilty, 'cos I know 99% of my diet now is GOOD for my body. That 1% doesn't hurt much.
Did my 'tyrant' MIL support me? She was a vegetarian for 30 years!!! So what do you think? *wink*
My daily dose of chocolate has reduced greatly too, to one tiny M&Ms a day. Poisoning myself with caffine (from chocolate) was what I did in the past everyday. I choose not to let go of this love of mine, merely reduce it.
Another great learning on the 4th day of the Seminar was what food should never be eaten with another.
For example Proteins group should not be eaten with Starchy group. Because our saliva produces acid and alkali to digest different groups of food. Imagine if you eat fish (protein group) with rice (starchy group), your body produces acid and alkali at the same time to digest two different groups of food. And when acid and alkali combines, what do you get? Neutralisation.
Now you neither have enough acid or alkali to digest the food. Hence you are actually straining your digestive system, prolonging the time for your food to be digested and hence wasting energy which could be put to better use. That also contributes to the little tummy that so many wants to get rid off. *wink* So how you combine your food is extremely critical!
On 12th September, I went for another round. I swear that I have never bought so much green in a single shopping trip in my entire life!!!
*huge laugh*
No cooking is required. Just cut, wash and eat!!! How easy can this be?
What's best is, there are so many combination! Its just unlimited! I have not repeated any combination yet and I have so many more choices yet to explore!!! This is more than Perfect for me. *Big Grin*
Yesterday, for the first time, I cooked what I eat (instead of raw) and my small family cleaned up EVERYTHING! *laugh* Ok, the most unhealthy one was probably potato strips fried in Olive oil. *giggle*
Have a Healthy Weekend, everyone! *Muack*
all the food looks very green and healthy!
Hmm, vege store ? That sure looks greeny, extremely greeny, will u turn green too ? heheheh...
Thats the taste & feeling of a Healthy Life, how does every bite & chewing feels ?
Feel it in ur every bite & crunch, THATS HEALTH.
Keep it going..
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