2009 Chinese Zodiac for people born in Cow/Ox years: 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009.
If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Rat, not Cow.
Cow people should have a nice Rat year in 2008. Many things end up according to their expectation. However, it won't be the same in the year of Cow. Many Unlucky Stars are coming to Cow people and there is no strong Lucky Stars coming to help them. Therefore, the fortune of 2009 is unstable and unpredictable. Troubles and obstacles will appear sooner or later. A year of challenges. Cow people need to pay attention on everything during the entire year of the Cow.
According to Chinese Zodiac, if the zodiac sign of birth year is the same as the zodiac sign of the yearly cycle, then that's an unlucky year for the person. Many troubles will bother the person. The person needs to manage events with caution at work, at home or traveling to avoid argument, lawsuit, accident, libel, blooding and money loss.
Career: The Unlucky Year Star and Fighting Stars move to your career area in year 2009. People relationship in your business or job circle will be poor. Business development has the difficulty to expand. You will face strong competition with coworkers in the company. Unfortunately, you are the underdog in the competition. You might keep losing your spirit, unable to focus on your task and hence affect your performance. The good news is that a Knowledge Star appears this year. If your job is related to art, writing, publishing, entertainment, creativity, acting or speech, then you have the chance to show your talent to people and open the door for better job opportunity.
Money: Cow people's money luck is connected with the career luck in 2009. Since your career performance won't get any good anticipation, therefore to increase a good income becomes remote. Plus, an Unlucky Broken Star shows in the money area. That means it's hard for you to pile up wealth into your savings. In short, money comes, money goes this year. Therefore, you shouldn't do any short term risky investment. Anything related to money, you need to think twice before you leap. If you don't have any financial plan, then it's hard for you to balance your expenses and income.
Love: Because the Knowledge Star comes into your life, it implies wisdom, talent and loneliness. If you are married, then you might have more argument with your spouse or children. If you are in love, then you will have less time to meet your lover and the love relationship becomes distant. If you are a senior, then you have to pay attention to the health of your spouse to avoid hospital visits. If you are single, it's not a good time to pursue the impossible dream.
Health: The Unlucky Year Star comes strongly to you in 2009. Many things will disturb Cow people. Worry and anxiety will bring you lots of mental and physical pressure. Therefore, you need to pay full attention to your health. You have to be alert for any changes of your body. Because you might lose your focus, you need to pay attention to the safety while you are walking and driving on the street to avoid traffic accident.
Fortune: Cow people always have unsatisfied events in every Cow year. The fortune in career, wealth, health, love and family will be below expectation in 2009. But you don't have to despair or give up. In your career, you just have to hold on to your job position, keep a low profile, work harder on your daily job. You need to follow your financial plan and do not spend unnecessarily. You need to remember to show care and love to your family members, spouse or lover. You also have to watch your own health. In this case, you will have a peaceful year of the Cow.

If the picture is too small, you can click on the image, save it on your computer and zoom into it to have a clearer view.
The chart is based on your birth year (left column). Look for your birth year, then look towards the right columns for the individual months, starting from January.
(right columns) The red star means Good Luck. The triangle means Fair Luck. The black dot means Bad Luck ~ watch your steps, keep a low profile... don't try something new on those black dots months.
Tomorrow's post will be on Tiger's Luck in 2009.
I'm a dog, itchy behind the ears and pees on tall things. yup. (kidding)
Good-luck this year!
you must not have posted mine yet girl, im 1981!!
unless im not looking right haha!
you are a Rooster, now I know why you are so chatty! *laugh*
the post will be up on 18th Jan, Sunday.
keep your eyes opened... *wink*
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