Monday, January 12, 2009

Luck in 2009 - Zodiac : Rabbit

2009 Chinese Zodiac for people born in Rabbit years: 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999.

If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Tiger, not Rabbit.

Rabbit people have a Moon Star connected with business in 2009. Therefore the career development of Rabbit people will be solid, stable, but limited in the Cow year. A Love Star also appears at the same time. That's a good sign for Rabbit people who are already in a long-term love relationship with their companions or partners. However, many Unlucky Stars are coming around and only a couple of lucky stars show in 2009. That means Rabbit people cannot get too much help from friends, relatives or supporters. Under the circumstances, Rabbit people will get sick easily this year. They need to pay attention to their health. They need energy to stay alert and focus on the issue. The health is the important factor for them to face the coming challenges in the year of the Cow.

Career: Since no strong Lucky Star, you will get less support in your job. You will encounter obstacles and spend more time to complete tasks. Therefore you don't get credits for your performance. But you still need to work hard, stay focus, pay attention to your words and behavior. Otherwise, your mistake might cause you to be reprimanded or even a lawsuit. Therefore, you need to keep a low profile and avoid arguments with others in the company. Then you will be safe in your career future.

Money: Because of the troubles and obstacles in career, you don't expect good achievements in money area. You should be happy, if you can reach the same financial goal as in 2008. Because there is no Lucky Money Star coming to you, you must not be involved in risky investment or gambling. Don't be greedy or hope for short term return, else you will lose all and regret in the end.

Love: If you are married, you might have some quarrel with your spouse about your children or family expenses. If you are in love, you will spend less time with your lover. Unless you and your lover have been together for many years, else your relationship might turn cold after some disagreements. If you are single, you have the chance to meet a new companion, but the relationship won't last too long.

Health: Many Unlucky Stars appear in your health and your family members. You should pay more attention not only on your health, but also on the the seniors in your family. You need to prevent yourself from getting sick, and be extra careful at work and home to avoid injuries.

Fortune: The luck of Rabbit people in the year of Cow is not that good. So you don't expect to have good performance or good financial return. But you shouldn't give up, you need to persevere, learn from your mistakes and gain knowledge from the bad experiences. When your good luck comes, then all career investment will return and the wealth will increase after. Poor health could affect your mental and physical well being. You can spend more time with your family to relax yourself and pay attention to the health of family members. Stay alert to prevent anyone from being hurt by accidents in the year 2009.

For a more detailed indication of your luck on each month, you can refer to the chart on the left.

If the picture is too small, you can click on the image, save it on your computer and zoom into it to have a clearer view.

The chart is based on your birth year (left column). Look for your birth year, then look towards the right columns for the individual months, starting from January.

(right columns) The red star means Good Luck. The triangle means Fair Luck. The black dot means Bad Luck ~ watch your steps, keep a low profile... don't try something new on those black dots months.

Tomorrow's post will be on Dragon's Luck in 2009.


Woman in a Window said...

You are sincerely crazy. I mean this in a good way. How do you time to do all of this? I am so waiting for 1970. Dog, right? OK. Lucky sevens, come on Lucky sevens! I could use a little luck this year.

Angeline said...

Woman in a Window,

Yes girl!
You are dead right!
I'm really crazy over these...and many more stuff that you'll NEVER DISCOVER if I had just stick to one blog ~ All About Your Child....
It can get pretty out of control too... *huge laugh*

Ok, Dog will come on 19th January... I'm going by the animals' Chronological Order (not Alphabetical) *laugh*