Saturday, January 17, 2009

Luck in 2009 - Zodiac : Monkey

2009 Chinese Zodiac for people born in Monkey years: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004.

If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Sheep, not Monkey.

Monkey people didn't have any significant events in 2008, the Year of the Rat. They felt that someone or something blocked their luck all the time. In the year of 2009, there are many Lucky Stars coming to Monkey people. So they have completely new luck and they can expect good news from career, money, reputation, love or happiness area. However, some tiny Unlucky Stars hiding beside the Lucky Stars in 2009. That means Monkey people shouldn't be complacent and conceited, because their enemies are still around. If Monkey people make any mistake, then they might lose their reputation, power or wealth.

Career: There are three major Lucky Career Stars appearing in 2009. Those signs indicate you will have an extraordinary and outstanding achievement in your job or business development. It's time that you show people your talent, wisdom and skill. Many people will accept your idea and proposal. Your plan or project will show significant progress and impressive results. You have a good chance to gain more responsibilities, own higher power and even win a job promotion. When you have significant performance or hold a higher position, then many people will become jealous of you. Someone might even try to look for your shortcoming or mistake in order to impede your working progress and to damage your reputation. Fortunately, your perception and quick response will give you a plan to protect yourself.

Money: There is a Lucky Money Star showing this year. Since you have a good career luck, your income will be satisfactory. If you are work for someone, you might earn an extra bonus. If you own a business, then the company's sales will have a significant growth. However, the Money Star is not a Windfall Star. The money won't come from gambling, heritage, gift or lottery. Hardwork, time and effort is needed to give you profits. Another sign show that you have a chance to lose your personal property and irrecoverable. Or an unexpected accident causing money loss. Therefore, it's safer not to show off your wealth in 2009.

Love: One very Auspicious Star and a Happy Star are gathering in love area. That is the sign of success, happiness, joyfulness and good marriage. If you are single, then you have an opportunity to find your dream companion and enjoy the happy love life. If you are already in love, the relationship with your lover will become much closer. If both of you are ready, then you can consider the marriage. If you are married, you and your spouse have an endless love. A new born baby might come into your family. However, if you are a male Monkey, you have the chance to meet opposite sex outside. If you give in to temptation, you will be having lots of argument with your spouse.

Health: Although you have many Lucky Stars coming in your astrological cycle. There also are some Unlucky Stars around you this year. This brings up the health issue. The career will make you busy in 2009. You will feel tired very often. If you have too much nightlife and too less exercise, then you will get sick easily. As long as understanding the health might become the problem, then you should limit unnecessary social life, keep healthy eating habit, maintain good sleeping quality and exercise routinely, then you will have a healthy life in the year of Cow.

Fortune: Monkey people have an excellent career luck in 2009. They will work very skillfully and proficiently in their daily job. Their wealth will increase because of good job performance. However, there still is a potential unlucky event coming. Monkey people still need to pay attention to your words and actions. If you can spend more time in helping others, then you will win good reputation, which could bring in more money. The feeling of wealth, power, happiness and satisfaction will come to you.

For a more detailed indication of your luck on each month, you can refer to the chart on the left.

If the picture is too small, you can click on the image, save it on your computer and zoom into it to have a clearer view.

The chart is based on your birth year (left column). Look for your birth year, then look towards the right columns for the individual months, starting from January.

(right columns) The red star means Good Luck. The triangle means Fair Luck. The black dot means Bad Luck ~ watch your steps, keep a low profile... don't try something new on those black dots months.

Tomorrow's post will be on Chicken's Luck in 2009.

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