Monday, January 19, 2009

Luck in 2009 - Zodiac : Dog

2009 Chinese Zodiac for people born in Dog years: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006.

If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Chicken, not Dog.

Last year, Dog people should have a better Rat year than most people. They should be satisfied with their achievements. Even their friends or relatives around should be proud of Dog people's performance. In 2009, Dog people still have Lucky Stars coming, surrounding and supporting them. But the Unlucky Stars will come stronger in 2009. The fortune of Dog people in 2009 will inevitably fall a little. However, Dog people have the character of loyalty, diligence and honesty, therefore, the year of the Cow would still be pretty good.

Career: In year 2009, there are two Lucky Stars and two Unlucky Star related to career are coming into your life. The signs show the events of disagreement, conflict or resentment. Therefore, you have to pay attention to your words and deeds. You need to focus on improving relationship. As long as you keep your sincere attitude, hardworking spirit and perseverance, then you should be able to overcome any obstacles, challenges, confrontation and difficulty in your job in 2009.

Money: One Lucky Star shows that you have a good money luck in 2009. However, your money luck is connected to the career luck. You have career opportunity in 2009, but the career luck is unstable. Autumn is a better time for your career luck, but not Summer. As long as you stick to your job, then you should have a stable income. Remember that your money luck this year is not easy money, you need to work hard to earn it.

Love: There is no Love Star or Happy Star coming for Dog people. But there is a Lonely Star appearing in 2009. That means your love relationship wont' be smooth in the year of Cow. If you are a senior, then you have to pay attention to your spouse's health. You need to take your spouse to doctor visits whenever he or she feels uncomfortable. If you are married, you might have more quarrel with your spouse this year. If you are in love, there could be a lack of chemistry between you and your companion. If there is a third person involved, then your relationship will be in trouble. If you are still single, then you might have one or two love opportunities coming your way in the Cow year, but the relationship won't last too long.

Health: Your job responsibility will increase in 2009. You will have more daily tasks and you will need more energy and spirit to handle those heavy work. The mental pressure will come as well and will affect your sleep. Next, you will be will be weaker and have more chances of getting sick. Also, the poor relationship in love will affect your emotion and let you feel depressed. This is purely a psychological problem. If you can understand that this is not a long term obstacle and learn how to relax yourself, you should be able to solve this problem.

Fortune: Dog people have a fair luck in the year of the Cow, since they have Lucky Stars supporting them and Unlucky stars disturbing them. That means you will have some good times and some hard times. Everything won't be as smooth as you want. But don't use this as an excuse to show your frustration or despair. You just have to spend more time to reach your goal. In the company, you should keep a low profile , stay away from people who give you troubles and avoid any argument with your enemy. In the money area, don't be greedy and do not engage in any risky investments. As long as you focus on your work, you will earn your return. For your love, you need more proactivity in communication, to build and maintain a solid relationship. For your health, you need more time to rest, and your health will improve.

For a more detailed indication of your luck on each month, you can refer to the chart on the left.

If the picture is too small, you can click on the image, save it on your computer and zoom into it to have a clearer view.

The chart is based on your birth year (left column). Look for your birth year, then look towards the right columns for the individual months, starting from January.

(right columns) The red star means Good Luck. The triangle means Fair Luck. The black dot means Bad Luck ~ watch your steps, keep a low profile... don't try something new on those black dots months.

Tomorrow's post will be on Pig's Luck in 2009.


Mom Knows Everything said...

My daughter is a dog. I'll have to tell her.

Tina said...

I remember seeing i was rooster now that you told me lol

we have a chineese calender given to us each year cause we are good customers and always have take aways ha ha ha!

Look forward to seeing my meaning in full :)

Tina said...

I remember seeing i was rooster now that you told me lol

we have a chineese calender given to us each year cause we are good customers and always have take aways ha ha ha!

Look forward to seeing my meaning in full :)