Saturday, September 12, 2009

Unlesh The Power Within - Heartbeat

Everyone has Down times.
Depressed experiences.
Discouraged moments.
Desperate encounters.
Don't you just dislike the letter 'D'??? *giggle*

During the first day, I learned an extremely powerful lesson.
"All it takes is just a heartbeat! to get yourself Up! Determined! Clear! Certain! HAPPY!!!!!"

All it takes is a heart beat!

Think of an extremely hilarious situation.
Think of an extremely absurd action that you would DO TO YOURSELF that will make you laugh non-stop for at least a minute of more.

Think Hard!

If you are NOT laughing are failing this test!

Once you get it, all you need to do is think of that hilarious situation, do 'that' action to yourself whenever you have all those 'D' moments and Whoo-Hoo! Your 'right' mood is back on track!

Sound too simple? Too out of the mind?
Guess what?
Life was meant to be SIMPLE before Adam ate the apple, isn't it?
It was MAN who always complicate things and make a mountain out of a mole hill.

I find it really hard to bring my spirit down after knowing "Calling Tokyo... Calling Tokyo..."
*huge fat laugh*

This is a 'secret' between me and everyone on the first day of Unleash the Power Within.
Yes Mark?
Yes Ming?

How to have a 'D' moment now that we know about "Calling Tokyo... Calling Tokyo..."
*huge fat laugh* again!!!

So go! Your life can be changed for the better.... happier....
When you are bright and chirpy... your mind thinks better and you'll be surprise that after that hilarious laugh, you have the SOLUTION to your problem.... any problem!

Get your life change!


Mark, Ming.... "Calling Tokyo....Calling Tokyo....."


Something About Us said...

LOL !!!

I remember that !!


"Calling Tokyo...."

- Ming

Mattail Lee S. Chang said...

Jessica is the only one I have seen who really did what he asked LOL...

Salute her courage! :p