Remember how terrible my throat was after the superb meal at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant PLUS the terrible air I had been breathing in and STILL BREATHING IN!!! The 'Teerrrrggggrrrrrrr....' and 'Grrrrgggrrrrrr....' and 'Chiiinnnnggggg.....' and 'Dongggggggrrrrrrr...' have reduced, so its not as dusty as before, but the noise pollution is still there. Ok, I'm hanging in there, another week to go...
Ok, back to my throat. It didn't get well even after I have completed my course of antibiotics. I was really worried. Never had my throat been that bad, since my sinus infection which landed me in the operating theatre when I was 16.
My MIL was disappointed on that Sunday when she knew about my throat. 'Cos she had prepared my favourite dishes, spicy crayfish and chili crab; yet I couldn't even take a bite at them.
So no yummies for me that Sunday, 8th March. Instead, she took this out and commanded, "Pop down 18 tablets."
And so I did as I was ordered to or else I'll be missing another round of yummies the following Sunday. Nope, not going to take that kind of risk. *laugh*
Another decree was made that instant, "Go gurgle with salt water every other hour and Take this home!" Stuffing two bottles of those tiny tablets into my hand. "Down all 20 tablets this time, instead of 18."
Did it work?
You Bet!
I was well the NEXT MORNING!!!!
Amazing isn't it?
These tablets were from Shanghai. All 3 sons of hers grew up eating this whenever they are sick.
The usual dosage is 10, meaning a bottle, for an adult. For me, 18 + 20 =38! Can you see how heaty I was?! *faint*
I also want to buy this medicine..can check if Singapore got sell..
I get sore throat quite frequently too :(
Hi Angeline, what's the name of this medicine? I have been eating like 5 courses of antibiotics on and off for the pass month, went to the doctor and even ENT specialist for n-times but the ulcer / sore throat will still coming back every 2 weeks, sigh!!! Mind to help me ask your MIL ya? Thanks a lot ya :)
its written there.
its called 六神丸
but it can only be purchased in Shanghai or China....
I'm not sure if they sell it in Singapore.
Cos' my MIL bought a big box of them through someone years ago.
wahhhhhhhh i ahd missed reading a lot at this blog...had loads to read,...finished... mmm felt like u were with me... what else shd i best say?
Wow those are tiny! I'm glad they worked and you're feeling better! :o)
i have never saw tabs packaged like that b4. freaky!
That's amazing. Glad you're feeling better.
never heard of this wonder pill before. have to be bought from Shanghai.
BUT what's in them? (eyeing suspicious pills)
Woman in a Window,
Superb Question!
wah....what a miracle pill! Sigh....pity only can be found in Shanghai!
Oh, this look shen yuan I see before, local chinese med shop got sell..
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